
OAuth 2 with MusicBrainz

Authenticate user with MusicBrainz using OAuth 2. This is completely optional for users.


Clear web browser from backstack after OAuth flow while keeping deeplinking ability

When we make an OAuth request, it launches the intent in a browser. After completing the flow, it will follow the redirect uri back to our app.

Normally, after a back press, it will bring you back to the OAuth page in the webview. Clicking “Allow access” again from here will fail as the request has already been used. So we want to avoid resurfacing this page again to users.

The solution is to use AppAuth’s RedirectUriReceiverActivity together with android:launchMode="singleTask" in the Manifest.

To make sure we only have one activity accept the redirect uri, we need to make sure our app’s Activity has a different host from RedirectUriReceiverActivity. This also means we can keep our app’s activity’s launchMode as the default, allowing us to deeplink test any of our screens without stopping our app.

OAuth 2 vs OpenID

OpenID providers must support GET and POST: But OAuth 2 on its own does not. MusicBrainz has OAuth 2 but not OpenID.

Refresh experience

It does not seem like we can automatically refresh the user token.

We currently support two ways to re-authenticate:

  1. Log out from Settings, then log back in
  2. When trying to add to a collection and it fails due with a 401 code, we show a snackbar with a button to login again

Both of these will just bring the user to MusicBrainz’s OAuth page in a browser.

Edit (2023-10-20)

Refresh has been working flawlessly in the beta app for a while now. We just needed to send credentials without waiting for 401, which with ktor is as simple as using the sendWithoutRequest block.