

After commenting out key = lazyPagingItems.itemKey { },:

java.lang.AssertionError: Failed to perform isDisplayed check.
Reason: Expected exactly '1' node but found '2' nodes that satisfy: (Text + EditableText contains 'Ontario' (ignoreCase: false))
Nodes found:
1) Node #127 at (l=42.0, t=443.0, r=1038.0, b=560.0)px
   Text = '[held events:, Ontario]'
   Actions = [GetTextLayoutResult]
   MergeDescendants = 'true'
2) Node #136 at (l=42.0, t=602.0, r=1038.0, b=719.0)px
   Text = '[held events:, Ontario]'
   Actions = [GetTextLayoutResult]
   MergeDescendants = 'true'

Seems like this relationship appears twice in our tests

Seems like the same data is duplicated in our relationships screen


We had set up our primary keys for the relation table incorrectly. After cross-referencing the old and new database schema using the generated svg, we found the relation table and several other tables did not have a primary key.

So, the fix was as simple as setting up primary keys for all of the tables missing them.