
Attempting OAuth 2.0 for a JVM Desktop App

This is for MusicBrainz. For Spotify, we’re using Client Credentials Flow, which doesn’t require input from the user.

Our current implementation uses AppAuth-Android, which as its name implies is for Android only. Looking through openid’s repositories, they have an iOS SDK as well, but no desktop SDK.

Browsing GitHub for oauth2 and filtering for Java, we find We quickly test it out in :desktop-app using a pre-bundled OAuth api implementation, and it works.

Generalizing MusicBrainz OAuth for Android and JVM

Move all musicbrainz authentication related code to :data:musicbrainz:auth. Many of them were already previously under auth dir in :data:musicbrainz, but some were in :data-android. The ones from :data-android should go under androidMain source set. The url endpoints should be extracted out to commonMain.

One of the first issue we ran into extracting out :data:musicbrainz is the reference to the constant MUSIC_BRAINZ_BASE_URL. We need to decide whether to have a :data:musicbrainz:core just to hold this so that the two MusicBrainz data modules can depend on it. Or to just keep auth under :data:musicbrainz. In the end, it seems easier to just keep them together. Various apis are restricted behind authentication, so we need to access auth from :data:musicbrainz anyways.

The next issue we encountered was with redirecting the user after launching the authorization request in their browser. The simplest solution was to just provide an input field for the user to input the authorization code from their browser.