Every night, we have a workflow that tries to publish the app to Google Play’s beta track and to GitHub. This workflow has two jobs. The first runs a check to determine whether to exit early, and the second actually does the publishing.
Because GitHub Actions (GHA) does not support early exit at the time of writing, we use this workaround to exit early: https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/662#issuecomment-1372855726.
This way, the workflow can determine whether to run the second job that does the heavy lifting based on the output of the first job. In our case, we check whether the previous git commit has the special commit message that this workflow will commit if it runs the publishing job. That is, bumping the version.
We use semantic release to determine our version name (eg. 0.11.2) and to generate our GitHub release notes (eg. https://github.com/lydavid/MusicSearch/releases/tag/v0.7.2). Our version code is just incremented with each run of this job. These are the only changes that we commit. We commit them in this job so that we guarantee a unique version, and ensure that the app’s version matches the release tag on GitHub (eg. v0.7.2).
: Since we may git commit with this job, we need to pass in a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) that has push accessRELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD
: The store password to release-keystore.jks
: The key password to release-keystore.jks
: The base64 encoding of google-services.json
: The base64 encoding of release-keystore.jks
used for publishing our appWORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
: See https://github.com/google-github-actions/auth#authenticating-via-workload-identity-federation-1SERVICE_ACCOUNT
: See https://github.com/google-github-actions/auth#authenticating-via-workload-identity-federation-1